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Our mission is to build a community that engages with the core values that spawned the American Republic. We are working to stop egregious governmental overreach and protect your right to control your body and have free medical choice. Local and Illinois state level politics will be reported on.
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247,638 reasons why Irvin won't defeat JB

One of the main reasons touted by supporters of Richard Irvin for why they back him over Darren Bailey is because in their view Bailey is too conservative and will not appeal to the suburban soccer mom. What puzzles me is why this question is not asked in reverse. Folks at the state GOP do not seem to understand that the Maga base consists of many that are not ancestral Republicans, have no loyalty towards the party, and frankly do not like the party in many instances. When the party chooses to go in a direction away from the Maga base, many of those voters stay home and don't vote.
We have one prime example of this: the Georgia senate runoff. On election night David Perdue got around 88,000 more votes than Jon Ossoff, however, he had to win by a certain margin which was not achieved. Thus, there was a runoff. During the lead up to the general, Perdue polled slightly higher than Trump causing never Trumper idiots in the RNC to believe that Trump was bringing Perdue down, never realizing that in fact it was the opposite. So in the runoff campaign the two Georgia senators distanced themselves from Trump and the election contest. They turned a blind eye to ballot cases being pulled out from under a covered table in the dead of night and by all appearances run through the scanner multiple times. Under the moronic leadership of Mitch McConnell, senate Republicans fought the $1,400 stimulus check Trump wanted for Americans, allowing Dems to campaign on the promise of that check.
The RNC received a slap in the face from the Maga base when 247,638 people that voted for Perdue in the general stayed at home for the runoff. It is to be expected that in a special election some voters will slip away, but Ossoff lost less than half this amount. The Democrat base turned out. The Republican base did not. The Maga voter viewed Perdue as a traitor and said screw you I'm not voting even though the fate of the senate hung in the balance. The stakes could not have been higher. If the state GOP thinks the south of I-80 crowd will just get in line behind Irvin if he wins the primary, I have some news for you They will not.
Given that south of I-80 controls the balance of power in the primary I do not see Irvin beating Bailey anyway. The math is obvious from Georgia. The number of never Trumpers that voted Biden and then Republican down ticket is much smaller than the Maga crowd that just does not vote if they do not feel represented by the Republican candidate. Genius political thinker Niccolo Machiavelli exhorted a prince to always live among the people in order to pick up on sentiment and to be ahead of any disasters. We can rest assured that Ken Griffin does not live among the people and will thus have out of touch elements in his platform he feeds to his politicians. Look at how much Trump has begun to pivot since he has gotten back on the road and among the people. Trump has forever changed the Republican coalition and people that fail to see that will continue to be surprised by election results.

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The Barbie Movie, Exodus 1, and gender

In this video I parallel the toxic ideas expressed in the Barbie movie to Pharaoh's injunction to the Hebrew midwives to kill all male children born of Hebrew women as a means of subjugating the Israelites and preventing them from rising up. this is the deep state's same plan just by different means with the American people.

War On Food

Last night’s presentation on the War On Food was very insightful. I recommend you all watch this slideshow. Thank you Johnathan for putting this together for us. Knowledge is power and essential for us all to stay healthy.

Meeting Monday 12-12 at the fairgrounds

At our next meeting we will have a presentation from US Law Shield. This company helps defend those who had to use self defense to save themselves or a loved one. Doesn't matter what the weapon was that was used. Presentation will start promptly at 7pm.


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Disregard promo email

Please disregard the free month promo email. Locals auto sent that without my knowledge.

NEW LOCATION: Presidential Debate Event - Sept 10th @ 7pm - "NAME that Gaffe"


Presidential Debate Game Night "NAME that Gaffe" – Tuesday, September 10th. Doors open @ 7pm

Come watch the debate with us at THE VENUE at PROCOOL! This is for fellow Sandwich (and surrounding towns!) Patriots; it's sure to be a night of laughs and gaffes!


WHERE: 115 E South Street, Plano.

WHEN: DOORS open at 7pm for some pre-game networking.

ONLINE LIVE: Beginning at 8pm (platform & location TBD)

RSVP to save your seat by texting 815-955-1961. Please feel free to contact Becky Nelson is you have any questions.

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What WWII internment teaches us about the pandemic response
It's become time to start trying to understand the fundamental flaws in our society that enabled the pandemic response to happen in the first place.  While great work is being done in the legal and political space, I fear society may just bury this ugly chapter in our history.  I got involved in politics in 2021 because I knew quarantine internment camps and vax passes were coming if people of conscience didn't stand up and stop them.  In comparison to WWII where innocent Japanese Americans were completely stripped of property and imprisoned, the unvaccinated fared well by historical standards proving at least a portion of our society has learned something from WWII, but it is troubling that it is only a portion.  Historical events are not inevitable.  It is important to understand why one path was chosen over another.  Despite efforts from those in power to scapegoat the unvaccinated and basically remove them from functioning society, this did not happen.  In an effort to try to understand this I am going to look back to WWII and try to discern why the Japanese were treated more severely than the Germans or Italians and what this may tell us about what we have been living through.  The key factors I see that led to Japanese interment are physical differences, race/eugenics, and hysteria from Pearl Harbor.  
Humans are simple creatures.  It was in part hard to scapegoat the unvaccinated because you could not tell an unvaccinated person just by appearance.  Japanese Americans were easily distinguishable from the white population, although, less so from other Asian groups.  This problem was in part solved by the fact that ethnic enclaves existed in cities so round ups could be conducted in the Japanese section of the city.  The government had records to enable individual round ups also.  There was enough physical difference between the Japanese and other Americans to make them the Other.  They were also sufficiently low in number to make interment feasible.  The Nazis tried to ease the problem of physical identification of Jews with the yellow star.  In order to scapegoat and commit atrocities you must physically mark.  This is why the mark of the beast rhetoric surfaced during covid.  The mark of the beast is about eliminating elements outside of the system; the system must be totalizing and identify everything.  There cannot be a fringe.  Oddly enough this thinking ties in with all the gender identity stuff and the Left's need to give everything a label.  
A close cousin of physical difference is eugenics/race science.  In the 1940s eugenics was all the rage in elite circles like Neo Malthusian climate change is now, which has its own eugenic components.  1940s eugenics had two strands, those obsessed with racial purity and those obsessed with healthier, better humans and these two strands could and did overlap.  The Japanese were portrayed by WWII propagandists as monkeys, inferiors.  Go watch some Disney productions on Japanese Americans and the big bad wolf as a Jew and you will see what I mean.  Japanese were viewed as an inferior form of human to be cut from the American social organism.  Conversely, Germans and Italians were not even despite the history of Italians not be considered fully white.   The covid eugenics angle is obvious.  Elites have gone from just trying to breed better humans to trying to genetically modify them.  
Pearl Harbor galvanized most of the public against the Japanese because it is very rare for the US to be attacked.  This section is self explanatory.  In the covid context, there was no Pearl Harbor event to galvanize opinion against the unvaccinated.  There was just good old fashioned prejudice, largely combined from the professional class and media against free thinkers in general.  Unvaxed became a proxy for free thinker.    
Lastly, American industrialists like Henry Ford and Standard Oil of New Jersey were deeply embedded in the German economy.  Not only did they view Hitler's Germany as a valuable market, many of them gave a wink and a nod to some of Hitler's eugenics views and anti-Semitism.  You have to remember Hitler declared war on the US, in what I would regard a s a presumptuous and foolish move because he was only bound by treaty to protect Japan from attack and was this not on the hook to defend Japan in the event Japan was the aggressor as was the caae at Pearl Harbor.  Much of the American public denied the full existence of the Holocaust during the early stages of the war.  This section is what is the most troubling as it pertains to the issues that arose during covid.  Whatever the US was doing in WWII it was not fighting fascism.  The true war on fascism has yet to be had.  Perhaps we are in the middle of it now.  
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