Globalist totalitarians hate cash. Like they really hate cash. The idea that humans can have access to money outside of the financial institutions that isn't easily tracked and traced really sticks in their craw. Contactless payments have become more prevalent during covid. Money is dirty. Therefore, use centralized, controlled forms of payment instead. Thankfully, most have not fallen for this. With recent developments in Canada around both Go Fund Me and fascist attempts to persecute anyone that donates to the truckers, it is clear that the war on cash/free flow of money is one that people should not be ignoring.
A good rule of thumb is as follows. Whatever the deep state does to Putin or Trump, they want to do to you. One of the possible Russian sanctions being floated out is removing Russia from the Swift network, thus cutting them off from trade in dollars. Being the stupid morons that they are, the Biden regime has tipped their hand on this so now Russia can react. They have negotiated a natural gas deal with China in euros for now but likely moving to their own currencies in the future at which time they will likely have central bank digital currencies, hereafter referred to as CBDC's. Globalists love CBDCs. You know how Twitter can kick you off their platform in the blink of an eye. What if the Fed could do the same? Right now its hard to control the flow of money because cash exists largely outside the system, but CBDCs would mean every single then you do is tracked and of course taxed. It will require a completely different post to explain the differences but think of CBDCs as the ugly bastard brother of bitcoin.
Key takeaways are as follows. Resist any attempt by the gov to eliminate cash and usher in a CBDC future. Russia and China are building their own financial future together and will soon be somewhat immune to sanctions.
In this video I parallel the toxic ideas expressed in the Barbie movie to Pharaoh's injunction to the Hebrew midwives to kill all male children born of Hebrew women as a means of subjugating the Israelites and preventing them from rising up. this is the deep state's same plan just by different means with the American people.
Last night’s presentation on the War On Food was very insightful. I recommend you all watch this slideshow. Thank you Johnathan for putting this together for us. Knowledge is power and essential for us all to stay healthy.
At our next meeting we will have a presentation from US Law Shield. This company helps defend those who had to use self defense to save themselves or a loved one. Doesn't matter what the weapon was that was used. Presentation will start promptly at 7pm.
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Please disregard the free month promo email. Locals auto sent that without my knowledge.
Presidential Debate Game Night "NAME that Gaffe" – Tuesday, September 10th. Doors open @ 7pm
Come watch the debate with us at THE VENUE at PROCOOL! This is for fellow Sandwich (and surrounding towns!) Patriots; it's sure to be a night of laughs and gaffes!
WHERE: 115 E South Street, Plano.
WHEN: DOORS open at 7pm for some pre-game networking.
ONLINE LIVE: Beginning at 8pm (platform & location TBD)
RSVP to save your seat by texting 815-955-1961. Please feel free to contact Becky Nelson is you have any questions.