The simplest definition of government is that it is a monopoly on legal violence. Government exists to protect you from threats outside, invasion, and threats inside, criminals. We'll focus on the inside here. Instead of having revenge crimes we hand over the right to punish to the courts and let a third party punish wrongdoing. Many rightly point out the hypocrisy of the Jan 6 people being labeled domestic terrorists but the BLM rioters being given a pass. But from the eyes of our current deep state establishment there is no hypocrisy. State approved rioters have been given the blessing of the state so they do not threaten, at least in principle, the state's monopoly on violence. The danger for the state always exists for this to become a Frankenstein's monster that they lose control over, but alas, second order consequences is not their strength. We are seeing this play out again with the pro abortion crowd.
The giant danger here is that violence when used by the state needs to be viewed as just. Using the state's right to violence for partisan reasons threatens to completely collapse our society. When we take many elected offices here in the fall, restoring law and order and actually prosecuting criminals needs to be at the top of the list.
In this video I parallel the toxic ideas expressed in the Barbie movie to Pharaoh's injunction to the Hebrew midwives to kill all male children born of Hebrew women as a means of subjugating the Israelites and preventing them from rising up. this is the deep state's same plan just by different means with the American people.
Last night’s presentation on the War On Food was very insightful. I recommend you all watch this slideshow. Thank you Johnathan for putting this together for us. Knowledge is power and essential for us all to stay healthy.
At our next meeting we will have a presentation from US Law Shield. This company helps defend those who had to use self defense to save themselves or a loved one. Doesn't matter what the weapon was that was used. Presentation will start promptly at 7pm.
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Presidential Debate Game Night "NAME that Gaffe" – Tuesday, September 10th. Doors open @ 7pm
Come watch the debate with us at THE VENUE at PROCOOL! This is for fellow Sandwich (and surrounding towns!) Patriots; it's sure to be a night of laughs and gaffes!
WHERE: 115 E South Street, Plano.
WHEN: DOORS open at 7pm for some pre-game networking.
ONLINE LIVE: Beginning at 8pm (platform & location TBD)
RSVP to save your seat by texting 815-955-1961. Please feel free to contact Becky Nelson is you have any questions.